Quickstart - Send yourself test a contract

Replace the email to yours:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' \
  '' \
  -d '{"template_id": "44444444-2222-4444-2222-444444444444","signers":[{"name":"Sam Signer","email":""}]}'

Basics - REST API, Token auth, Rate limiting

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '<action>?token=your-secret-token'

The API calls are organized around REST with JSON data. The authentication as based on a token parameter in the URL. You can find your Secret token on your API page after logging in to your account. Please note that requests from browsers will result in CORS error, in order to safeguard your secret token.

Rate limiting: To protect against accidental requests and intentional attacks, our service uses an adaptive rate limiting technique. Adaptive rate limiting means that the rate limiting changes based on the usage patterns. Please note that it's discouraged to repetitively 'poll' contract information via the API, eg GET /api/contracts/<id>. Using Webhook notifications is the recommended way to keep the contract statuses updated.

Parameter Description
token Your API secret token


Contracts can be fully managed via the API. Sending a contract can be done with a single API call, and after that signatures are collected, and notifications are provided at every stage of the contract’s lifecycle via webhooks.

Send a contract

POST /api/contracts HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"template_id": "4templ44-6666","signers":[{"name":"Sam Signer","email":"","mobile":"+12481234567"}],"placeholder_fields":[{"api_key":"preferred_term","value":"24 months"}], "test": "yes"}'

JSON request parameters

  "template_id": "4templ44-6666",
  "test": "no",
  "title": "Loan Agreement - Saver package",
  "locale": "en",
  "metadata": "ID0001",
  "expires_in_hours": "48",
  "custom_webhook_url": "",
  "assigned_user_email": "",
  "labels": ["MA", "Rental"],
  "signers": [
      "name": "Benny Bell",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "signature_request_delivery_methods": ["email"],
      "signed_document_delivery_method": "email",
      "multi_factor_authentications": ["sms_verification_code"],
      "redirect_url": ""
  "placeholder_fields": [
        "api_key": "interest_rate",
        "value": "3.2%"
        "api_key": "floor-plan",
        "document_elements": [{"type":  "image", "image_base64":  "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVQIW2P4v5ThPwAG7wKklwQ/bwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="}]
  "signer_fields": [
        "signer_field_id": "preferred_term",
        "default_value": "15 years"
  "emails": {
    "signature_request_subject": "Your document is ready to sign",
    "signature_request_text": "Hi __FULL_NAME__, \n\n To review and sign the contract please press the button below \n\n Kind Regards",
    "final_contract_subject": "Your document is signed",
    "final_contract_text": "Hi __FULL_NAME__, \n\n Your document is signed.\n\nKind Regards",
    "cc_email_addresses": ["", ""],
    "reply_to": ""
  "custom_branding": {
    "company_name": "WhiteLabel LLC",
    "logo_url": ""

JSON response

  "status": "queued",
  "data": {
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "status": "sent",
      "title": "Loan Agreement - Saver package",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no",
      "signers": [
          "id": "6signer6-9999",
          "name": "Benny Bell",
          "email": "",
          "mobile": "+12481234567",
          "company_name": "ACME Corp",
          "sign_page_url": ""

This request generates the contract and sends links to the signers through the selected communication channels to obtain their signatures.

Parameter Required Description
template_id yes Specifies the template to be used for the contract (the template_id is shown when editing the template)
test no The sent contract is marked as 'demonstration only', and no fee is deducted for sending the contract.
title no The unique title of the contract (Template name when not specified). It appears in emails, generated documents, and on dashboard pages
locale no Setting the signer page/emails language. Currently available locales: hu hr ro id zh-CN fr cz sk no pt pl rs en-GB de da it ja es vi nl en sv sl
metadata no Custom information
expires_in_hours no The signature request links will expire after that given period of time
custom_webhook_url no The Custom webhook URL to be used for the webhook notifications, instead of the default one specified on your API page
assigned_user_email no Assign of of your users in to the new contract, to manage it and receive notifications
labels no Assigns the given list of Labels to the contract. The Labels are shown on the Dashboard UI and they are searchable. They help with grouping the contracts.
signers yes List of signers
signers: name yes Name of the signer
signers: email cond Email address of the signer. (Can be blank when the mobile number is provided)
signers: mobile cond Mobile number of the signer. Non-US mobile numbers must start with the country code, eg +61.... (Can be blank when the email address is provided)
signers: company_name no Company name for the signer
signers: signing_order no A number that defines the order of signers. When the same number is used for two or more signers they will receive the signature request at the same time. By default the signers will receive the signature requests in order (not at the same time).
signers: auto_sign no When yes, the signer's signature will automatically be added to the contract. Please note that this feature can only be used to add your own electronic signature record to the document, and it can't be used to Auto-sign on behalf of your clients/3rd parties.
signers: signature_request_delivery_methods no The initial signature requests will be delivered via the given channels. The available options are 'email', 'sms' or an empty list can be provided to skip any signature requests. By the default the value is calculated.
signers: signed_document_delivery_method no The preferred method to deliver the signed document to the signer. The available options are 'email', 'sms', '' and by default the value is calculated. Note: Delivery of the signed document is a legal requirement in most countries. If the signed_document_delivery_method is disabled then you will need to deliver the documents to the signers.
signers: multi_factor_authentications no Multi factor authentication for signers. Supported MFAs: sms_verification_code, email_verification_code. (The given contact details must be provided for the signer, e.g. email or mobile number)
signers: redirect_url no The signer will be redirected to that URL after signing the contract.
placeholder_fields no Placeholder fields are the highlighted texts in the template between curly brackets, eg {{interest_rate}}. Replace the Placeholder fields with simple custom text using the placeholder_fields:value parameter, or with headers, paragraphs using the placeholder_fields:document_elements parameter.
placeholder_fields:api_key no The "api_key" is the text between the curly brackets in the contract templates. Eg: {{interest_rate}}
placeholder_fields:document_elements no Insert headers, formatted text, Signer fields or even templates into the given the Placeholder fields. Find the detailed documentation for the document_elements below.
placeholder_fields:value no Replace the Placeholder field with simple text.
signer_fields no Use signer_fields to pre-fill Signer input fields.
signer_fields:signer_field_id no The "Signer field ID" in the template editor for the given Signer input field.
signer_fields:default_value no The initial (default) value for the input field (Use '1' to tick checkboxes, and use 'YYYY-mm-dd' for dates)
signer_fields:select_position no For Select fields only - The index of the pre-selected option (starting from 0)
emails:signature_request_subject no The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers when collecting their signatures
emails:signature_request_text no The text in the email that will be sent to the signers. __FULL_NAME__ constant is replaced with the name of the signer.
emails:final_contract_subject no The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers with the final PDF contract
emails:final_contract_text no The text in the email that will be sent to the signers with the final PDF contract. __FULL_NAME__ constant is replaced with the name of the signer.
emails:cc_email_addresses no List of email addresses to CC the signed PDF contract
emails:reply_to no Custom reply_to email address (your API support email when not specified)
custom_branding:company_name no Custom sender company name
custom_branding:logo_url no Custom logo (PNG x400 recommended)
Response field Description
status queued
contract:id Id of the contract
contract:title The unique title of the contract
contract:metadata The metadata provided in the original request
contract:source The source of the contract being api, ui or zapier
contract:test yes means test contract, no means live contract
contract:signers:id Id of the signer
contract:signers:name Name of the signer
contract:signers:email Email of the signer
contract:signers:mobile Mobile of the signer
contract:signers:company_name Company name for the signer
contract:signers:sign_page_url Unique sign page URL for the given signer. It can be embedded in an iframe by adding the embedded=yes URL parameter.

Contract - query

GET /api/contracts/<contract_id> HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X GET ''

JSON response

  "data": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "status": "sent",
      "title": "Rental Agreement",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no",
      "contract_pdf_url": "",
      "labels": ["MA", "Rental"],
      "signers": [
          "id": "6signer6-9999",
          "name": "Sam Signer",
          "email": "",
          "mobile": "+12481234567",
          "company_name": "ACME Corp",
          "sign_page_url": "",
          "events": [
              "event": "sign_contract",
              "timestamp": "2015-10-22T18:19:35.979"
          "signer_field_values": {
            "city": "Boston",
            "preferred_contact": "Phone"

Returns the details of a contract, the details of the signers, including the contract events, the signer events, and the values the signers entered.

Rate limiting and limited data: Please note that it's discouraged to repetitively 'poll' contract information via the GET /api/contracts/<id> endpoint. Contracts older than 2 weeks might not return all the data in the response, and frequent polling of contracts can result in blocked requests. Using Webhook notifications is the recommended way to keep the contract statuses updated.

Response field Description
id Id of the contract
status 'sent' / 'signed' / 'withdrawn'
title The unique title of the contract
metadata The metadata provided in the original request
source The source of the contract being api, ui or zapier
test yes means test contract, no means live contract
contract_pdf_url When the contract is signed, the finalized PDF can be accessed via this url. Expires in 7 days following the request. (As part of the json response, this string will be JSON encoded, and simple copy paste of the URL won't work)
labels The Assigned list of labels. The Labels are shown on the Dashboard UI and they are searchable. They help with grouping the contracts.
signers List of signers
signers:id Id of the signer
signers:name Name of the signer
signers:email Email of the signer
signers:mobile Mobile of the signer
signers:company_name Company name for the signer
signers:sign_page_url Unique sign page URL for the given signer. It can be embedded in an iframe by adding the embedded=yes URL parameter.
signers:events Events of the signer
signers:events:event contract_viewed / disable_reminders / email_contract_sent / email_delivery_failed / email_final_contract_sent / email_spam_complaint / mobile_update_request / reminder_emailed / sign_contract / signature_declined / sms_contract_sent / sms_delivery_failed / sms_final_contract_sent
signers:events:timestamp Time of the event
signers:signer_field_values Information provided by the signer for the Signer input fields, eg: Text fields, Dropdowns, Uploaded files. (The signer fields need to have an API key added in the template editor)

Contract - withdraw

Withdrawn contracts can't be signed any more, and signed contracts can't be withdrawn.

Withdrawing the contract doesn't result in deletion of the contract related information, the contract details can still be queried.

POST /api/contracts/<contract_id>/withdraw HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST ''

JSON response

  "status": "queued"
Response field Description
status 'queued'

Signer - add

POST /api/contracts/<contract_id>/signers HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"name":"Sam Signer-Smith","email":""}'

JSON request parameters

  "name": "Sam Signer",
  "email": "",
  "mobile": "+1 541 754 3010",
  "company_name": "ACME Corp",
  "signing_order": "1",
  "auto_sign": "no",
  "signature_request_delivery_methods": ["email"],
  "signed_document_delivery_method": "email",
  "multi_factor_authentications": ["sms_verification_code"],
  "redirect_url": ""

JSON response

  "status": "queued"

Signers can be added to the contracts using this API endpoint. Note: Adding a new signer does not trigger an automatic email of the contract.

Parameter Required Description
name yes Name of the signer
email cond Email address of the signer. (Can be blank when the mobile number is provided)
mobile cond Mobile number of the signer. Non-US mobile numbers must start with the country code, eg +61.... (Can be blank when the email address is provided)
company_name no Company name for the signer
signing_order no A number that defines the order of signers. When the same number is used for two or more signers they will receive the signature request at the same time. By default the signers will receive the signature requests in order (not at the same time).
auto_sign no When yes, the signer's signature will automatically be added to the contract. Please note that this feature can only be used to add your own electronic signature record to the document, and it can't be used to Auto-sign on behalf of your clients/3rd parties.
signature_request_delivery_methods no The signature requests will be delivered via the given channels. The available options are 'email', 'sms' or an empty list can be provided to skip any signature requests. By the default the value is calculated.
signed_document_delivery_method no The preferred method to deliver the signed document to the signer. The available options are 'email', 'sms', '' and by default the value is calculated. Note: Delivery of the signed document is a legal requirement in most countries. If the signed_document_delivery_method is disabled then you will need to deliver the documents to the signers.
multi_factor_authentications no Multi factor authentication for signers. Supported MFAs: sms_verification_code, email_verification_code. (The given contact details must be provided for the signer, e.g. email or mobile number)
redirect_url no The signer will be redirected to that URL after signing the contract.
Response field Description
status 'queued'

Signer - update

POST /api/contracts/<contract_id>/signers/<signer_id> HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"name":"Sam Signer-Smith","email":""}'

JSON request parameters

  "name": "Sam Signer",
  "email": "",
  "mobile": "+1 541 754 3010",
  "signature_request_delivery_methods": ["email"],
  "signed_document_delivery_method": "email",
  "multi_factor_authentications": ["sms_verification_code"],
  "redirect_url": ""

JSON response

  "status": "queued"

The contact details of a signer can be updated via this API request. Note: The contract is not emailed automatically when updating signer.

Parameter Required Description
name no Name of the signer
email no Email to identify the signer
mobile no Mobile number to identify the signer
signature_request_delivery_methods no The signature requests will be delivered via the given channels. The available options are 'email', 'sms' or an empty list can be provided to skip any signature requests.
signed_document_delivery_method no The preferred method to deliver the signed document to the signer. The available options are 'email', 'sms', ''. Note: Delivery of the signed document is a legal requirement in most countries. If the signed_document_delivery_method is disabled then you will need to deliver the documents to the signers.
multi_factor_authentications no Multi factor authentication for signers. Supported MFAs: sms_verification_code, email_verification_code. (The given contact details must be provided for the signer, e.g. email or mobile number)
redirect_url no The URL the signer will be redirected to after signing the contract
Response field Description
status 'queued'

Signer - re/send sign request

POST /api/contracts/<contract_id>/signers/<signer_id>/send_contract HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST ''

JSON response

  "status": "queued"
Response field Description
status 'queued'

Signer - delete

POST /api/contracts/<contract_id>/signers/<signer_id>/delete HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST ''

JSON response

  "status": "queued"
Response field Description
status 'queued'



POST /api/templates HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"title":"Rental Agreement","document_elements":[{"type":"text_header_one","text":"Conditions"}]}'

JSON request parameters

  "title": "Rental Agreement",
  "labels": ["Generic templates", "Acme Client Corp"],
  "document_elements": [
      "type": "text_header_one",
      "text": "Basic terms"
      "type": "text_normal",
      "text": "This agreement is between the rental provider/s and the renter/s."

JSON response

  "data": [
      "template_id": "4templ44-6666",

Creates a new template.

Parameter Required Description
title yes Title of the new template
document_elements yes Define the content of the new template using a list of document_element-s. Document elements can be headers, formatted text, Signer fields, templates and more. Find the detailed documentation for the document_elements below.
labels no Labels to be assigned to the template and to its contracts. Labels can help to group your templates and contracts.

Copy (and customize)

POST /api/templates/<template_id>/copy HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '<template-id>/copy?token=your-secret-token' -d '{"title":"Rental Agreement","placeholder_fields":[{"api_key":"business_name","value":"ACME Co"}]}'

JSON request parameters

  "title": "Rental Agreement",
  "placeholder_fields": [
      "api_key": "business_name",
      "value": "ACME Co"
      "api_key": "custom_conditions",
      "document_elements": [{"type": "text_header_one", "text": "Special conditions"},{"type": "text_normal", "text": "Information related, but not limited to the development projects and assignments."}]
  "target_api_key": "another-accounts-secret-token"

JSON response

  "data": [
      "template_id": "4templ44-6666",

Copy a template, and customize the content using Placeholder fields.

Parameter Required Description
title yes Title of the new template
placeholder_fields no Customize the content of the new template by replacing the Placeholder fields from the source template
placeholder_fields:api_key no The "api_key" is the text between the curly brackets in the source contract template. Eg: {{business_name}}
placeholder_fields:document_elements no Insert headers, formatted text, Signer fields or even templates into the given the Placeholder fields. Find the detailed documentation for the document_elements below.
placeholder_fields:value no Replace the Placeholder field with simple text.
target_api_key no The API Secret token of another account, if the new template should be assigned to that other account.


GET /api/templates/<template_id> HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X GET ''

JSON response

  "data": {
    "template_id": "4templ44-6666",
    "template_name": "Rental Agreement",
    "created_at": "2015-10-24T15:15:35.979",
    "placeholder_fields": ["interest_rate"],
    "signer_fields": ["preferred_term"]

Returns the details of the template. The Placeholder keys are specified with the template editor between {{ }} double curly brackets.

Response field Description
template_id ID of the template
template_name Name of the template
created_at Date of creation
placeholder_fields List of Placeholder fields in the template
signer_fields List of the API keys assigned to Signer fields in the template


GET /api/templates HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X GET ''

JSON response

  "data": [
      "template_id": "4templ44-6666",
      "template_name": "Rental Agreement"

Returns the list of templates you can send.

Response field Description
template_id ID of the template
template_name Name of the template

Collaborators - add

POST /api/templates/<template_id>/collaborators HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"name": "Chris Collaborator"}'

JSON request parameters

  "name": "Chris Colleague"

JSON response

  "data": [
      "template_collaborator_id": "5templcoll5-7777",
      "template_id": "4templ44-6666",
      "name": "Chris Colleague",
      "template_collaborator_editor_url": ""

Adds a collaborator who can edit the template. The link to the editor can be used as a standalone page, or it can be embedded into an iframe by adding the embedded=yes URL parameter.

Parameter Required Description
name no The name of the collaborator
Response field Description
template_collaborator_id The ID of the collaborator
template_id The ID of the template
name The name of the collaborator
template_collaborator_editor_url The link to edit the template. This URL to the editor can be embedded into an iframe by adding the embedded=yes URL parameter.

Collaborators - remove

POST /api/templates/<template_id>/collaborators/<template_collaborator_id>/remove HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '>/remove?token=your-secret-token'

JSON response

  "status": "queued"

Removes the collaborator's permission to edit the template.

Collaborators - list

GET /api/templates/<template_id>/collaborators HTTP/1.1

Example request

curl -X GET ''

JSON response

  "data": [
      "template_collaborator_id": "5templcoll5-7777",
      "template_id": "4templ44-6666",
      "name": "Chris Colleague",
      "template_collaborator_editor_url": ""

Returns the list of Collaborators.

Response field Description
template_collaborator_id The ID of the collaborator
template_id The ID of the template
name The name of the collaborator
template_collaborator_editor_url The link to edit the template. This URL to the editor can be embedded into an iframe by adding the embedded=yes URL parameter.


Use webhooks to be notified about events that happen real-time. For example, when a contract gets signed, a request is triggered to the Webhook URL specified by you on the API dashboard page. Creating a webhoook endpoint on your server means simply accepting POST requests at a given URL. Webhook data is sent as JSON in the POST request body.

If a webhook is not successfully received (not 2xx response code), will continue trying to send the webhook once an hour for up to six times. The requests timeout is 5 seconds.

Contract sent to signer

JSON body

  "status": "contract-sent-to-signer",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "redirect_url": ""
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no"

This webhook notification is triggered, when the contract is sent to the signer for signature.

Contract signed

JSON body

  "status": "contract-signed",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no",
      "contract_pdf_url": "",
      "signers": [
          "id": "6signer6-9999",
          "name": "Sam Signer",
          "email": "",
          "mobile": "+12481234567",
          "company_name": "ACME Corp",
          "sign_page_url": "",
          "events": [
              "event": "sign_contract",
              "timestamp": "2015-10-22T18:19:35.979"
          "signer_field_values": {
            "city": "Boston",
            "preferred_contact": "Phone"

This webhook notification is triggered once every signer has signed the contract. It returns the generated PDF file.

Field Description
status 'contract-signed'
secret_token Your secret token, to authenticate the Webhook notification
id Id of the contract
title The unique title of the contract
metadata The metadata provided in the original request
source The source of the contract being api, ui or zapier
test yes means test contract, no means live contract
contract_pdf_url The finalized PDF can be accessed via this url. Expires in 7 days following the request. (As part of the json response, this string will be encoded and simple copy paste of the URL won't work.)
signers List of signers
signers:id Id of the signer
signers:name Name of the signer
signers:email Email of the signer
signers:mobile Mobile of the signer
signers:company_name Company name for the signer
signers:sign_page_url Unique sign page URL for the given signer. It can be embedded in an iframe or used standalone. Note: As part of the json response, this string will be encoded and simple copy paste of the URL won't work.
signers:events Events of the signer
signers:events:event contract_viewed / disable_reminders / email_contract_sent / email_delivery_failed / email_final_contract_sent / email_spam_complaint / mobile_update_request / reminder_emailed / sign_contract / signature_declined / sms_contract_sent / sms_delivery_failed / sms_final_contract_sent
signers:events:timestamp Time of the event
signers:signer_field_values Information provided by the signer for the Signer input fields, eg: Text fields, Dropdowns, Uploaded files. (The signer fields need to have an API key added in the template editor)

Contract withdrawn

JSON body

  "status": "contract-withdrawn",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no",
      "signers": [
          "id": "6signer6-9999",
          "name": "Sam Signer",
          "email": "",
          "mobile": "+12481234567",
          "company_name": "ACME Corp"

This webhook notification is triggered, when the contract is withdrawn.

Signer viewed the contract

JSON body

  "status": "signer-viewed-the-contract",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "redirect_url": ""
    "contract": {
      "id": "mobile1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no"

This webhook notification is triggered, when the signer views the contract the first time.

Signer signed the contract

JSON body

  "status": "signer-signed",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "redirect_url": "",
      "signer_field_values": {
        "city": "Boston",
        "preferred_contact": "Phone"
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no"

This webhook notification is triggered when a signer signs the contract. It includes the details of the signer, and the texts for the Signer fields, if the signer entered any.

Signer declined the signature

JSON body

  "status": "signer-declined",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "redirect_url": ""
      "events": [
          "event": "signature_declined",
          "reason_for_decline": "Commencement date is 5th of June",
          "timestamp": "2015-10-22T18:19:35.979"
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001",
      "source": "api",
      "test": "no"

This webhook notification is triggered, when the signer declined signing the contract.

Signer requested a mobile number update

JSON body

  "status": "signer-mobile-update-request",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "mobile_new": "+16789123456",
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp",
      "signing_order": "1",
      "auto_sign": "no",
      "redirect_url": ""
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001"

This webhook notification is triggered, when the signer requested a Mobile Number update.

Field Description
id Id of the signer
mobile Mobile of the signer
mobile_new The requested Mobile number
contract:id Id of the contract

Signer SMS received

JSON body

  "status": "sms-incoming",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "signer": {
      "id": "6signer6-9999",
      "name": "Sam Signer",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "+12481234567",
      "company_name": "ACME Corp"
    "contract": {
      "id": "1contr11-2222",
      "title": "Sample NDA",
      "metadata": "ID0001"
    "sms": {
      "mobile_from": "+12481234567",
      "sms_text": "Just signed, thank you"

This webhook notification is triggered when the signer responds to one of our previous text messages.

Field Description
id Id of the signer
contract:id Id of the contract
sms:mobile_from The mobile number the message was sent from
sms:sms_text The text message

Webhook error notifications

JSON body

  "status": "error",
  "secret_token": "1234-1234-1234-1234",
  "data": {
    "error_code": "email-delivery-failed",
    "error_message": "Additional error details",
    "contract_id": "1contr11-2222",
    "metadata": "ID0001"
Field Description
error_code Error code, one of these values: email-delivery-failed, sms-delivery-failed
error_message Additional details about the error, when available
metadata The metadata provided in the original request

Embedded signing

Iframe code

<iframe src="SIGN_PAGE_URL?embedded=yes">

Iframe code with auto-resize

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
    onload="iFrameResize({heightCalculationMethod: 'bodyScroll'}, '#eSignaturesIOIframe')"
    style="width: 1px;min-width: 70%;">

Example POST request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' '' -d '{"template_id": "4templ44-6666","signers":[{"name":"Sam Signer","email":"","signature_request_delivery_methods":[]}]}'

Example iframe code (replace the URL)

<iframe src=""></iframe>

The sign page can be embedded into an iframe. Steps:

  1. Create a contract with POST#contracts, using the parameter signature_request_delivery_methods=[] to stop sending the initial signature request email (or SMS).
  2. The response json will include a data:contract:signers:sign_page_url for that signer.
  3. Copy the example code and replace the SIGN_PAGE_URL with the sign_page_url, and append the embedded=yes parameter to that URL.



Advanced Placeholder fields

Document elements


    "type": "text_header_two",
    "text": "Special conditions"
    "type": "text_normal",
    "text": "I agree to the above terms and conditions.",
    "text_alignment": "right",
    "text_styles": [
        "offset": 2,
        "length": 6,
        "style": "bold"
    "type": "signer_field_text",
    "text": "Parent name",
    "signer_field_assigned_to": "first_signer",
    "signer_field_id": "parent-name"
    "type": "signer_field_dropdown",
    "text": "Preferred device",
    "signer_field_assigned_to": "every_signer",
    "signer_field_dropdown_options": "Desktop\nTablet\nMobile"
    "type": "image",
    "image_base64": "PD94bW...yc2lvbj0iM=",
    "image_alignment": "center",
    "image_height_rem": 8
    "type": "table",
    "table_column_styles": [{"align": "center"}, {"align": "right"}],
    "table_cells": [
      [{"text": "Header1", "styles": ["bold"]}, {"text": "Header2", "styles": ["bold"]}],
      [{"text": "cell1"}, {"text": "cell2"}]
    "type": "template",
    "template_id": "5templ5-777"

Insert ad hoc content into the documents using document_elements: text lines, headers, signer fields and more.

type required text_header_one or text_header_two, text_header_three, text_normal
text required The text for the given line.
text_alignment The alignment of the given line. Options: center, right, justified. By default: left
text_styles Ranges of styles
text_styles:style:offset The beginning of the range (starting with 0)
text_styles:style:length The length of the range
text_styles:style:style The style to apply. Options: bold, italic, underline
type required ordered_list_item or unordered_list_item
text required The text for the given line.
Signer field
type required signer_field_text or signer_field_text_area, signer_field_date, signer_field_dropdown, signer_field_checkbox, signer_field_radiobutton, signer_field_file_upload
text required The label for the given Signer field.
signer_field_assigned_to required Which signer/s can type in the information. Options: first_signer, second_signer, last_signer, every_signer
signer_field_required Whether the Signer field is required. Options: yes, no
signer_field_dropdown_options Possible options for the signer_field_dropdown, separated by \n character
signer_field_id When provided, the Webhook notifications will include the value typed in for the given Signer field
type required image
image_base64 required Base64 encoded png or jpg image, max 0.5MB
image_alignment The horizontal position of the image. Options: center, right. By default: left
image_height_rem Image height (2-38)
type required table
table_cells required A nested list of rows/cells.
table_cells:text The text in the given cell.
table_cells:styles The list of styles for the given cell. Options: bold, italic
table_cells:alignment Alignment within the cell. Options: center, right. By default: left
type required template
template_id required The ID of the template, when the type is template


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